The Membership Committee reviews recommended candidates on a rolling basis. Some candidates may be asked to submit supplementary materials for Committee review. The Committee will issue its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Membership Information
To be considered for membership, prospective candidates must apply here and be recommended to the Membership Committee by two or more existing members. Recommendations should substantiate how the candidate meets the qualifications for membership. Recommendations do not guarantee an invitation to membership.
The Membership Committee reviews recommended candidates on a rolling basis. Some candidates may be asked to submit supplementary materials for Committee review. The Committee will issue its recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will vote on Committee recommendations and invite approved candidates to become members of the Association.
Important Information
An approved candidate shall become a member of the Association when the candidate signifies in writing a willingness to uphold the purposes and policies of the Association and upon payment of any initiation fees, special assessments, dues and subscriptions then owing and payable.
Membership in the Association is not transferable or assignable. Membership in the Association confers no right to exhibit at any Association sponsored show.

Membership requires payment of dues annually regardless of exhibition at The Photography Show.
The Association’s fiscal year ends on December 31. Initiation fees are currently on hold for new member applications. Annual membership dues to the Association are due by December 31 of the prior year.
Membership requires payment of dues annually regardless of exhibition at The Photography Show. Failure to pay annual dues will result in termination of membership.

A prospective member has a reputation in the community for honesty and integrity, both generally and in dealings with the public, museums, photographers and other dealers.
Membership Qualifications
Any individual or legal entity engaged in the sale and promotion of fine art photography and/or photo-based art, and who meets the following qualifications, may be considered for membership in the Association if:
• A significant part of the prospective member’s business has been and is devoted to the sale and promotion of fine art photography and/or photo-based art which meet the Association's high artistic standards;
• The prospective member has a reputation in the community for honesty and integrity, both generally and in dealings with the public, museums, photographers and other dealers; the prospective member has made and is making substantial contributions to the field of fine art photography and/or photo-based art through the quality of photographic art offered for sale, the exhibitions mounted, the catalogs and other publications published and through other worthwhile endeavors;
• The prospective member has met the above criteria for at least five (5) years for full membership, or for at least two (2) years for associate membership
• The prospective member will significantly advance the purposes and enhance the reputation of the Association
All questions and written recommendations should be directed to AIPAD Executive Director, Lydia Melamed Johnson, at lydia@aipad.com or +1-646-926-1528.
Last updated on January 3rd, 2023. This information is subject to change.