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Alta - Anyós, Andorra - Member - The Association of International Photography Art Dealers encourages public support of fine art photography by acting as a collective voice for the dealers in fine art photography and through communication and education that enhances the confidence of the public, museums, institutions and others in responsible fine art photography dealers.

Txema Yeste
Needles, 2019-2024.
Gelatin Silver Print.

Founded in 2021 by Pancho Saula and Michelle Ferrara, Alta specializes in classic, vintage and contemporary photography with an emphasis on European and American modernism, New York School and Fashion.

We welcome and assist new collectors, experienced connoisseurs and institutions in buying and selling fine art photography. Alta is a platform for real life encounters, a crossroads of artists and of art lovers.

Located in Anyós, Andorra
1.342 meters above sea level

Pancho Saula and Michelle Ferrara

By Appointment Only

Bruce Davidson, Todd Hido, William Klein, Jessica Lange, Saul Leiter, Vivian Maier, Ramón Masats, Steven Meisel, Ray K. Metzker, Joel Meyerowitz, Sarah Moon, Pancho Saula, Louis Stettner, Bruce Weber, William Wegman and Txema Yeste.