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A man bends to use a hammer and chisel on a large stone block in this vintage black and white photograph

Charles Nègre (French, 1820-1880)
Le tailleur de pierre, summer 1853
Salt print from a collodion on glass negative
9.9 cm tondo

Hans P. Kraus Jr. Inc., established in New York in 1984, is a dealer in nineteenth and early twentieth century photographs.​

Paris: City of Light & Shadow
May 8 - August 15, 2024

La Ville Lumière! Paris first earned the sobriquet, “City of Light,” as a center of learning during the Age of Enlightenment. In the early nineteenth century the advent of gas lighting brought the city’s streets and boulevards alive at night. Light, the very currency of photography, soon enabled Paris to become the first city to be fully documented by the new art, at street level and underground. Paris: City of Light & Shadow features works by Aguado, Atget, Durandelle, Hippolyte Fizeau, J. B. Greene, Marville, Nadar, W. H. Fox Talbot, and others. The exhibition at Hans P. Kraus Jr. Inc. opens 8 May and runs through 15 August 2024.

962 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10028

Hans P. Kraus Jr.
Thomas Wood
Shelley Dowell

Noon - 6pm Monday through Friday and by appointment

Eugène Atget, Anna Atkins, Édouard Baldus, Julia Margaret Cameron, Eugène Cuvelier, Frederick H. Evans, Roger Fenton, John Beasley Greene, Hill & Adamson, Bertha Jaques, Reverend Calvert Jones, Gustave Le Gray, Henri Le Secq, Charles Marville, Charles Nègre, Hugh Owen, John Ruskin, William Henry Fox Talbot, Félix Teynard, Linnaeus Tripe, Doris Ulmann, Joseph vicomte Vigier, and others