Holden Luntz Gallery
Holden Luntz Gallery was founded in 1999 in Palm Beach, Florida, as a pioneering gallery specializing in fine art photography. For decades, the gallery has continued its mission of acquiring and presenting significant photographers whose work has defined or expanded the parameters of the medium. The gallery presents a varied range of work surveying numerous aesthetic photographic processes, including silver gelatin black and white prints, traditional color C prints, dye destruction prints, alternative process photographs, platinum-palladium prints to contemporary sublimated photographs printed on aluminum.
332 Worth Avenue
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Holden Luntz, Jodi Luntz, Gabriel Gordon, Roseanna Opper, Cecilia Silva, Jaye Luntz, Mario Lopez Pisani
November – April: Monday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM, Sunday by appointment.
May – October: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sunday and Monday by appointment.
Diane Arbus, Brassaï, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Horst P. Horst, André Kertész, Helmut Newton, Edward Weston, Harry Benson, Michael Eastman, Elliott Erwitt, Karen Knorr, Massimo Listri, Garry Fabian Miller, Albert Watson, Stephen Wilkes, and David Yarrow.